Sunday, September 26, 2010

Portable Wheelchair Ramps

Portable Wheelchair Ramps

Disability, Wheelchair

Stepping onto a curb or getting into a car may be an effortless motion for many, but for a person in a wheelchair, it is a challenging task. Portable wheelchair ramps are specially designed to enable individuals in wheelchairs or strollers to access their homes, buildings, shower entrances and cars with ease. As they are portable and can be carried anywhere, wheelchair ramps are indispensable assets to their users reminding them that an elevated platform or a raised curb can no longer inhibit them from moving around freely.

Portable ramps have revolutionized the lifestyles of the physically disabled by enhancing their mobility and enabling them to venture into shopping malls, concert halls, cinemas and offices. By being able to move around, physically disabled individuals can now fully enjoy the social and entertainment attractions of the outside world. A portable wheelchair ramp is also a great aid for caregivers who have to accompany their wheelchair-bound patients or loved ones. When assisting them into cars, buildings and home, wheelchair ramps have certainly made their jobs much easier and less strenuous.

ADA Recommended Portable Ramps Slope

The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) considers a slope greater than 1:20 along any accessible route as a handicap ramp. A slope of 1:20 means that there is a one inch rise in level along a 20-inch length run.

ADA’s guidelines indicates that building contractors should not build ramps with slope greater than 1:12 with levels rising more than 30 inches and ramps should also have maximum width of 36 inches. An ADA approved ramp should also have level landings at the top and bottom of the ramp to prevent wheelchairs from tipping over or losing balance.

Similarly, manufacturers of portable wheelchair ramps have used the basis of ADA’s safety guidelines to ensure stability, durability and reliability in their products. The recommended slope when using a portable wheelchair ramp is 1:12, which means a one-inch elevation along a 12-inch length run. For the private home user, one can also try a higher incline depending on one’s agility and strength, but one should not go beyond a slope of 1:6. Most portable ramps have lengths ranging from 5 feet to 12 feet and can withstand weight of up to 800 pounds. They are usually made from aluminum and can be folded, rolled or retracted for easy storage and loading.

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