Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Is a "No Screaming Kids" Sign Discriminatory?

RestaurantWhat would you do if you saw a sign on the door of a restaurant that said, "Screaming Children Will NOT Be Tolerated"?

According to an Autisable post, a woman accused a North Carolina eatery with such a sign of discriminating against children with autism -- like her son, who sometimes melts down in restaurants. A WECT News account of the dispute has the mom claiming the sign violates the Americans With Disabilities Act, and the restaurant owner expressing surprise and pointing out that "autism is not a word on that sign."

Whether or not it's a word on the sign, a "no screaming children" policy effectively shuts out kids with a lot of disabilities. I don't think I'd make a federal case of it, though. Not every restaurant is right for every child, and honestly, I'd be happy for a restaurant to be so bold as to state that so I don't have to bother spending my money there. If we're going to go to the trouble of taking our kids out, I think parents have a responsibility not just to other diners, to remove screaming kids from the premises before intolerant owners have to kick them out, but to our children, to select establishments at which they will have the greatest opportunity for success. Sometimes, knowing where not to go is a big part of the job.

If I could, I'd seek out the restaurants with signs that say "Judgmental Patrons Who Glare at Families Who Are Just Trying to Make It Through a Meal Will NOT Be Tolerated." Haven't found one of those yet, though.

Photo by Jeff Manasse/Getty Images

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