Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Oprah Contestant With Cerebral Palsy Makes Own Travel Videos


If you're looking for something to start your week off with a smile, go right now and view "Zach in the Buff: Niagara Falls," the latest YouTube video from Zach Anner. Zach, as you may recall, entered Oprah Winfrey's search for someone to give a show to with a very funny audition video that got attention from singer John Mayer and lots and lots of Internet voters. Rather than wait for Oprah, Zach has gone ahead and started making his own travel show, available in short videos on his YouTube channel or website. In this four-minute installment, Zach admires Buffalo railings, connects the falls to Kevin Bacon in less than six degrees, and attempts unsuccessfully to run over a seagull.

On the other hand, if you have the kind of day ahead that requires some righteous indignation, get stoked up by reading Entertainment Weekly's account of the voting irregularities that led to Zach being left out of the top five finalists for his own OWN show. Zach dismissed accusations of an Oprah conspiracy in an ABC interview in June -- but still, the huge swing in votes between the raw totals on the main screen and the adjusted ones on the winner's page sure looks bad (especially to those of us still smarting from the American Express Member's Project special-needs dumping of a couple years back).

It's Oprah's loss, anyway -- a half-hour version of Zach's hilarious travelogue looks a lot more appealing than what did make the top five. Hope somebody finds a place for the guy. For now, with voting finished, you can support Zach by following him on Twitter and Facebook, and buy a T-shirt from his site.

Photo by Jeff J Mitchell/Getty Images

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

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