Friday, December 24, 2010

Thankful posts


People always say that challenges make us stronger; each week I learn more and more what it is like to live in the world my son lives in. Dylan is 14 with Asperger's Syndrome & generalized anxiety disorder, and it causes a host of special challenges for him. I do not always rise in response to the many challenges I face in parenting him, or his beautiful little sisters, but each day he greets me with a hug, and a smile, and never looks at me with even a sniff of believing me the failure as a parent that I often think I am. There is nothing more I could ever be more thankful for as a parent; to have a son, who amidst his challenges and struggles makes me believe I will rise up, just like him, above it all.
—Guest Joe Carreiro

Always Thankful

I am grateful for all the things my 10-year-old Down Syndrome child does or says. And I admire his stubborness because it gives him spunk! He has overcome Leukemia Cancer with such resilence and bravery that it just makes me want to try harder to be a upbeat person!
—Guest Elizabeth Branscumb

I'm grateful for YOU

Without my son and his challenges, I would not have come here. I would not have learned about the realities of life for so many people. I would not have discovered that no matter how disabled someone may be, they are still a special gift to discover. I would not have learned the grace you and your readers bring to a tough situation. I love my kids, and would no matter what. But it's a genuine pleasure to have discovered YOU, and to add you to the good in life.

Thankful for my child with special needs

I have met so many wonderful familys and people because of my son. He has opened my eyes to what I am capable of which helps me help him to be the most he can be regardless of his disability. He is so loving and appreciates those who help him get better. He works so hard that he is my inspiration. I love him so much and am thankful that he chose me as his mother.
—Guest Julia

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