Friday, February 18, 2011

Useful Guide in Getting the Right Wheelchair Measurements

Useful Guide in Getting the Right Wheelchair Measurements

In buying wheelchair, you must not only consider the brand and the materials where this is made from, but most important of all, you have to get the right wheelchair measurements that will suit the person who is going to use the tool. This comes in many types these days, from the most basic to the more advanced kinds. This is used by people who are down with illnesses or affected with injuries, which made it impossible or difficult for them to walk.

Brief Look Back

The earliest wheelchair measurements were made during the 6th century, with clear evidence such as the stone slate with inscription that was found in China. It was in the year 1933 when the first kind that was made of steel, collapsible and lightweight wheelchair was invented by mechanical engineers Harry Jennings and Herbert Everest. Everest was disabled due to a mining accident. They saw the potential of the product and paved the way to mass produce such. They created the x-brace design of this tool that is still very common even with the more advanced creations these days.

Measuring Guide

When it comes to wheelchair measurements, the buyer must come with accurate dimensions of its overall width. You have to consider where this tool is going to be used so that you can identify the smallest and most narrow of different passages such as elevators and doorways and the entrance and bathroom door at home. The overall width of the different types of this tool can be measured using certain formulas. For the standard folding kind, reclining and bariatric types, 8" must be added on its seat width and 3" must be added on the seat width of the transport kind.

The wheelchair measurements must be based on the needs of the patient and caregiver above everything else. If the tool needs to be pushed most of the time, it is advisable to get the lightweight Transport kind to make it easier for the one who will push to get the activity done. If the patient can propel the tool on their own, it is preferable that they get the standard kinds with larger rear wheels.

More about the Sizes

There are many different wheelchair measurements. The international specifications state that the standard height must be from 0.90 to 1.10 meters. The distance between the seat and footrest must be 0.30 meters and 0.18 to 0.22 meters from the footrest to the floor. The entire chair's width must be from 0.60 to 0.70 meters.

At the end of it all, the wheelchair measurements must be based on the comfort of the user and the ease of the person who is going to help the patient in pushing the tool.

The Pride celebrity scooter

Here is some really good information on the Pride mobility scooter:

Mobility scooters are becoming far more innovative and stylish. With the technology taking a huge leap, digital features are also added on to mobility scooters too. In this category Pride celebrity scooter is one that needs a mention. As per the name this scooter is a true celebrity. It's excellent style and advanced mechanism has made this scooter one of the most modern looking ones in the mobility vehicles arena. They are available in three and four wheel category. They make your feel confident and safe while riding on them. The scooter is driven on electricity and therefore it is a non pollution vehicle.

Internet is the best place to buy this amazing equipment. Here you can find exciting discounts and quick shipping. Above all you can find a wide range of choice on the internet along with the customer reviews and ratings. You can conduct adequate research before you spend on the mobility scooter. The same mobility scooter may not be suitable for all types of disability. According to the need of the individual a scooter has to be selected, for this Pride has come up with three models of Celebrity scooters, one three wheeler and two four wheeler models. They are the Celebrity X-3 wheel scooter, Celebrity X-4 wheel scooter and Celebrity XI Scooter.

Buying a mobility scooter involves a lot of research. A scooter should suit the height and character of the person apart from being totally comfortable. Depending on the usage of the scooter the model can be chosen. Parking space plays a vital role in picking a mobility scooter. They have to be kept away from bright sunlight and moisture. Remember that the mobility scooter needs to be parked in a convenient place so that they can be moved in and out of the house with ease. Pride celebrity scooter will not occupy a great deal of space and hence are preferred to be the best for people who have limited garage space.

There is definitely no doubt that the Pride Celebrity scooter is a class of its own. They have digitally controlled touch pads that are on par with any other regular scooter. Apart from this they have an adjustable tiller with auto leveling console. The full suspension is something that needs a mention here. The seat post is pneumatically controlled and comes with a full lighting package. Talking about performance Pride Celebrity Scooter is sure to provide unmatched action.

Article Source:

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Thursday, February 10, 2011

A special needs child

This is a heart wrenching video but a very good compilation and a most lovely song by Celine Dion..Enjoy

special needs equipment

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special needs equipment blog


special needs equipment


A good post from Juanita Swindell concerning Pediatric wheelchairs

When someone becomes limited in their mobility, for whatever reason, the first thing they miss is their freedom. This can have an even bigger impact on children and above all else, they will need to have that sense of freedom restored as soon as possible. To do this the right way, parents and caregivers must look at getting them any one of many models of pediatric wheelchairs available today. Before just buying any old one, however, there are several considerations that must be taken into consideration before purchasing one.

Keeping Children's Needs in Mind

Very often, when a child develops mobility issues, the doctor or staff of their physical therapy center will help you go through a complete assessment of your child's needs, especially when it comes to purchasing powered pediatric wheelchairs. There is a set list of abilities that they will assess, and make recommendations for the wheelchair they need based on this assessment.

One of the first things they take under consideration is their need for posture support, and seating needs. If the child has little to no ability to hold themselves upright, then they may a wheelchair that will help them to do so, along with comfortable and safe seating that will cushion them, and not give them pressure sores. The next is their ability to do simple physical tasks, like using a joystick or activating a switch. This, too, will help you to choose the appropriate power chair for their needs, especially the control system.

Features of Appropriate Power Chairs

Pediatric chairs are available in many the same types as the adult versions. Now that you know their physical range, you can get the right control system for any power chair that your child wants, from joystick control to activator switches used by hand or other methods, like a blow tube. Chairs come with a variety of position settings available, so that all times they experience a true freedom of movement while in it. All chairs can be outfitted with growth extensions, so that should they need it, the back, arm, feet and leg rests can be adapted to fit your child as they grow.

Make sure that your child is an active participant in the choosing of their chair. If your child is going to be active and out and about, you may want to consider a wheel drive and speed that will be appropriate to their lifestyle. Rear wheel drives have great speeds, but poor maneuverability in tight spaces. Front wheel drives make sharp turns at relatively the same speed. Then there is the mid-wheel drive, with the tightest turn radius of them all. And, do not forget about long-life battery packs and all terrain tires.

Options for You

In addition to choosing the right chair for your child, you need to consider things for yourself that will help transport it all, wherever you need to go. For the home, you will need to install permanent or portable ramps, both inside and out. When it comes to transporting such a wheelchair in the family car, the type of frame will determine what will be needed for easy transportation and storage.

Lightweight frames, of course, are the easiest to transport, especially with the added feature that they often come in a folding form. Simply fold it and tuck it into the trunk or behind the seats. The heavier models of pediatric wheelchairs can come with folding or non-folding frames, including the heavy-duty, sports appropriate models. For these you will probably need a ramp for the van or truck, or at least a lift to maneuver it in and out of the vehicle.

Are you in need of pediatric wheelchairs for your loved ones? Contact Mobility Specialists today for a look at their wide range of specialized wheelchairs that can grow along with your child. Also check out our new page on Pediatric Wheelchairs.

Article Source:


This is a post from my own blog discussing my own stepson's cute little idiosyncrasies, I hope you like it.. and here is a post from showing the thankful comments parents are expressing concerning their children with special needs…nkful-comments

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Special needs equipment blog

Special needs kids and the power of play



This is a heart wrenching video but a very good compilation and a most lovely song by Celine Dion..Enjoy

A Special needs child